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Completed in 2021 Environmental assessment

Little Etobicoke Creek Flood Evaluation Study

The City has completed a flooding evaluation study of the Little Etobicoke Creek watershed.

About this project

A map of the study area.

Little Etobicoke Creek, located in the eastern portion of Mississauga, is a small tributary of Etobicoke Creek which flows to Lake Ontario.

The study was led as a Master Plan under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (“EA”) process and consists of two phases.

Phase 1 expands on previous studies to identify the extents of flooding as a result of spilling from the Little Etobicoke Creek during high flow conditions.

Phase 2 aims to identify the overland urban flooding risk and identify, assess, and recommend measures to mitigate flood risk to people, property and infrastructure.

Two Public Information Centres (PICs) were held to present information related to the study and answer any questions. Please find the presentations for the PICs available below.

Elizabeth Dollimore, P.Eng., MBA – Project Manager
City of Mississauga
201 City Centre Dr, Suite 800
Mississauga, ON L5B 2T4
905-615-3200 ext. 5303 

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