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Completed in 2022 Environmental assessment

Southdown District Stormwater Servicing and Environmental Management Plan

The City is developing a stormwater servicing and environmental management plan that will protect, maintain and enhance the existing streams, groundwater, and natural environmental resources of the Southdown study area as future urban development and re-development takes place.

About this project

The study is being conducted in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process, following a Master Plan approach.

The stormwater drainage system in the Southdown area was last investigated in 2000 as part of the “Southdown Master Drainage Plan.” Since that time, stormwater management criteria and standard practices have evolved, and there have been considerable changes to the local, regional and provincial policies.

For that reason, the City is conducting a new study to establish updated stormwater management requirements to minimize flooding, erosion, water quality degradation and water balance impacts from urban development, and to identify stream restoration opportunities within the existing drainage system.

Greg Frew
City Project Manager
201 City Centre Drive, Suite 800
Mississauga, ON L5B 2T4
Phone: 905-615-3200 ext. 3362

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