The following list contains all the Mississauga Official Plan Amendments (MOPA) since the plan’s inception in 2010:
Location: Port Credit Community Node Character Area/Port Credit Local Area Plan | Southeast corner of Lakeshore Road East and Elizabeth Street South.
Purpose: To remove the subject lands from the Special Site 38 mapping, amend the “Location of Special Sites within the Port Credit Local Area” map and to add a Special Site Policy to permit additional height and include other provisions on the subject lands.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 1
Location: Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area | There are two areas affected by this Amendment. The first is located west of Hurontario Street, south of Queensway West. The second is located on the east and west sides of Camilla Road, between King Street East and Queensway East.
Purpose: To amend the existing Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area Map, delete and replace the existing Special Site 4 policies and to add new Special 8 policies to the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area Policies of Mississauga Official Plan. The intent of these Special Site policies is to permit low density residential development in keeping with the character of existing development.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 2
Location: Uptown Major Node Character Area | Northwest quadrant of Eglinton Avenue West and Hurontario Street.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Residential Low Density II”, “Residential Medium Density”, “Residential High Density”, “Public Open Space” to “Residential Medium Density”, “Residential High Density Special Site”, “Public Open Space” and “Greenbelt” to permit apartments with ground related commercial and office uses at an amended Floor Space Index, townhouses, parkland and greenbelt.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 3
Location: Uptown Major Node Character Area | East of Hurontario Street and north of Eglinton Avenue East.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Residential High Density” to “Residential Medium Density” and “Residential High Density” and to amend Special Site 2 policies to permit apartments with limited ground related commercial and office uses, and semi-detached and townhouse dwellings.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 4
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Derry Road West, east of McLaughlin Road. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit 37 detached dwellings and 8 semi-detached dwelling units, add lands to the abutting greenlands and relocate an existing animal boarding establishment on-site.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 5
Location: Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area | Southwest corner of Atwater Avenue and Cawthra Road.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Residential Medium Density” to “Residential High Density” to permit a 137 unit, 4 storey condominium apartment building.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 6
Location: All lands within the City of Mississauga and lands designated “Industrial” in the Gateway and Northeast Employment Character Areas located east of Kennedy Road and north of Eglinton Avenue East.
Purpose: To introduce policy criteria in Section 6.6 Air Quality to be applied in the evaluation of development proposals for crematoriums. This amendment was prepared in response to the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 which allows crematoriums outside of cemeteries. The policies are intended to ensure that new crematoriums or the expansion of existing crematoriums do not impact sensitive land uses or the long-term planned function of surrounding lands.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 7
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Downtown Core Character Area in Mississauga Official Plan. This Amendment also amends the R-O-W (Right-Of-Way) Range Tables by adding the Downtown Core Character Area to the Road Classification for Minor Collectors and deleting and replacing the R-O-W-Range for the Road Classification for Local Roads in the Downtown Core.
Purpose: To replace the Downtown Core Local Area Plan of Mississauga Official Plan.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 8
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north and south sides of Lakeshore Road West between Southdown Road and Birchwood Park.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the boundary of the Clarkson Village Community Node and the Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood Character Areas, add Precinct policies, transportation policies, amend land use designation policies and to delete, amend and add Special Site policies.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 9
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Derry Road West, east of McLaughlin Road and west of Fletcher’s Creek. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Character Area
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the Business Employment designation for the site to permit a six-storey hotel and a one-story restaurant, and the redesignate a portion of the site from Business Employment to Greenbelt.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 10
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north site of Lakeshore Road East, west of Cawthra Road.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Business Employment’ to Residential ‘Medium Density’, ‘Mixed Use’ and ‘Greenbelt’ to permit fifteen live/work townhouse units and 118 townhouse units and to revise the Special Site 19 policies as they apply to this site.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 11
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north site of Lakeshore Road West, east of Clarkson Road North. The subject lands are located in the Clarkson Village Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to revise the Special Site Policy to permit a six story apartment building with ground floor commercial uses, and to remove the Hazards from a portion of the site.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 12
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are all lands within the City of Mississauga and lands designated “Residential” that permit detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit second units in semi-detached and townhouse dwellings by amending Section 11.2 General Land Use Policies. Section 11.2 includes policies to permit second units in detached dwellings. This Amendment was prepared in response to amendments to the Planning Act by Bill 140: Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act, 2011 which requires municipalities to establish second unit policies in detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwellings.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 13
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Downtown Cooksville Character Area. They are located on the south side of Dundas Street West, east of Confederation Parkway on lands municipally known as 90, 100, 110 Dundas Street West.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Mixed Use” to “Residential Medium Density” and “Residential High Density” and to replace the Special Site 4 policies. This amendment will permit mixed use development along Dundas Street West with retail at the ground floor and 23 residential units above. The balance of the lands subject to this amendment will permit 117 townhouse dwellings. The amendment further identifies a block for future Residential High Density development. Details are set out in the Appendix II.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 14
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are the Douglas Drive closed road allowance, location near Pinetree Way and Calverton Court (Site 1), 2151 Camilla Road (Site 2) and 2250 and 2264 Council Ring Road (Site 3)
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of three sites: Site 1 – from no designation to “Greenbelt”; Site 2 – from “Residential Low Density I” to “Public Open Space” and “Greenbelt” and, Site 3 – from “Public Open Space” and “Residential Low Density I” to “Residential Low Density I” and “Public Open Space”. Details are set out in Appendix II.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 15
Location: Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Area/Port Credit Local Area Plan | Southeast corner of Lakeshore Road West and Godfrey’s Lane.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Residential Low Density I” to “Residential Medium Density” to permit 18, four storey townhouse units on a common element condominium road.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 16
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood Area | Northeast corner of Lakeshore Road East and Enola Avenue.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Business Employment” and “Residential low Density II” to “Mixed Use”, “Residential High Density” and “Greenbelt” to permit mixed use commercial development adjacent to Lakeshore Road East, apartment dwellings to the rear of the site and natural hazard lands adjacent to Cooksville Creek.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 17
Location: Downtown Core Character Area | West side of future Parkside Village Drive and west of the intersection of Confederation Parkway and Square One Drive.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Public Open Space” to “Downtown Mixed Use”, and to add a new Minor Collector road between Confederation Parkway and Rathburn Road West that extends Square One Drive westwards.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 18
Location: Port Credit Local Area Plan | Includes the Port Credit Community Node Character Area and the Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Area.
Purpose: To replace the Port Credit Local Area Plan and to re-designate certain parcels of land to “Mixed Use”, “Special Waterfront”, “Residential Low Density II”, “Residential High Density”, and “Greenbelt”.
The following schedules are also revised to reflect changes to the shoreline and associated information:
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 19
Location: East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area | Southeast corner of Bancroft Drive and Ivandale Drive.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Convenience Commercial” to “Mixed Use” to permit motor vehicle sales, leasing, rental and repair.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 20
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north side of Dundas Street East, east of Cawthra Road. The subject lands are located in the Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Medium Density to Private Open Space.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 21
Location: Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Character Area | The special site area is located on the south side of Old Derry Road, east of the Credit River.
Purpose: To amend the Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Character Area Policies to reflect the approved Meadowvale Village Heritage Conservation District Plan (2014), reorganize the policies to better reflect development that has occurred within the character area, to change the land use designation on one site from Residential Low Density II to Public Open Space and to add a new Special Site policy for lands on the south side of Old Derry Road, east of the Credit River to provide guidance for future development.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 22
Location: Various lands in the City of Mississauga.
Purpose: To update Mississauga Official Plan (MOP) by addressing ongoing policy issues and housekeeping matters.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 23
Location: Various lands throughout the City of Mississauga.
Purpose: To bring Mississauga Official Plan in conformity with recent changes to the Region of Peel Official Plan.
Changes to Mississauga Official Plan:
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 24
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located along the Hurontario Street Intensification Corridor and the Gateway Corporate Centre Character Area.
Purpose: To add a map identifying the Hurontario Street Intensification Area and policies outlining the addition of major transit stations on the Corridor. The Gateway Corporate Centre Character Area Policies are being amended to:
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 25
Location: Hurontario Street Corridor and in the Downtown Core Character Area | The stations along the Hurontario Street Corridor are located in the Port Credit Community Node; the Mineola Neighbourhood; the Downtown including Downtown Hospital, Downtown Cooksville, Downtown Fairview and the Downtown Core areas, the Uptown Major Node; and the Hurontario Neighbourhood.
Purpose: To add Major Transit Stations to Schedule 2: Intensification Areas and to add Light Rail Transit Stations to Schedule 6: Long Term Transit Network along the Hurontario Street Corridor and in the Downtown Core Character Area, excluding the Gateway Corporate Centre Character Area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 26
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located throughout the City of Mississauga.
Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to:
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 27
Location: East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area | West side of Creditview Road, south of Carolyn Road.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Residential Low Density II” and “Greenbelt” to “Residential Low Density II” and “Greenbelt” to “Residential Low Density II” – Special Site 11 (East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area)” and “Greenbelt” as amended, to permit an accessory medical office and greenbelt preservation.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 28
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Hurontario Street, south of Indian Valley Trail. The subject lands are located in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to permit residential and office uses, excluding medical and real estate offices, within a converted detached dwelling, with a combined maximum gross floor area (GFA) of 467 m2, and to change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Residential Low Density I – Special Site 2” to “Residential Low Density I – Special Site 2E”.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 29
Location: The land affected by this Amendment is located on the southeast corner of Hurontario Street and Nahani Way. The subject land is located in the Uptown Major Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a special site provision to the “Residential High Density” designation to permit a 33 storey apartment dwelling with an increased Floor Space Index (FSI) and limited accessory commercial uses.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 30
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located across the City of Mississauga and are specifically in the Downtown Hospital, Port Credit Community Node,Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood, Cooksville Neighbourhood, Fairview Neighbourhood, Malton Neighbourhood, Mineola Neighbourhood and Churchill Meadows Employment Area Character Areas.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to bring the land use designation into conformity with the Zoning By-law and the current uses for nine properties across the City. Special site policies, mapping discrepancies and current land uses were reviewed for consistency.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 31
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in Lakeview which is subject to a Local Area Plan and contains the Lakeview Neighbourhood and Lakeview Employment Area Character Areas.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to replace the Lakeview Local Area Plan of Mississauga Official Plan and to redesignate certain parcels of land to “Mixed Use,” “Residential Low Density II,” and “Residential Medium Density.” This Amendment changes the designated Right-of-Way width of Lakeshore Road East between Greaves Avenue and Etobicoke Creek from 35 m to 44.5 m, and adds Lakefront Promenade as a Minor Collector road with a right-of-way width of 30 m.
This Amendment revises the location of the circle denoting “Community Node to be Defined” for the Lakeview Community Node by moving it further east near Ogden Avenue. This Amendment revises the tables, maps, text, and schedules of Mississauga Official Plan to reflect changes to the Lakeview Local Area Plan.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 32
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Elm Drive West, between Kariya Drive and Hurontario Street. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Fairview Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the Downtown Fairview Character Area Special Site policies to permit three residential apartment buildings with a floor space index (FSI) of 8.2, heights of 35, 40 and 50 storeys, commercial uses and a day care, and to redesignate a portion of the site from Residential High Density to Public Open Space for a city park.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 33
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Alexandra Ave., east of Seventh Street and north of Atwater Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to permit the development of 8 detached dwellings on a public street.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 34
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the
subject lands from Residential High Density to Residential High Density – Special
Site to allow a floor space index higher than what is permitted in the existing
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Glen Erin Drive and Aquitaine Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 35
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located west of the intersection of Rathburn Road East and Ponytrail Drive. The subject lands are located in the Rathwood Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a Special Site to the Rathwood Neighbourhood Character Area to permit two new condominium apartment dwellings of 12 and 15 storeys in addition to the two existing rental apartment dwellings.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 36
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood Character Area, on the south side of Lakeshore Road West, east of Lorne Park Road.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to redesignate the subject lands from “Private Open Space” and “Greenlands” to “Residential Low Density I”. This Amendment also changes the configuration of the Natural Hazards area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 37
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Sharon Crescent, west of Glengarry Road. The subject lands are located in the Erindale Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan. The legal description of the subject lands is Lots 2 and 3, Registered Plan 393, in the City of Mississauga, Regional Municipality of Peel.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit three detached dwellings.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 38
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located at 1173, 1177 and 1183 Haig Boulevard. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.”Residential Low Density I” to “Public Open Space”.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 39
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located north of the Queen Elizabeth Way, between Erin Mills Parkway and Winston Churchill Boulevard, and constitute the entirety of the Sheridan Park Corporate Centre Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to update the Sheridan Park Corporate Centre Character Area Policies to reflect the Sheridan Park Corporate Centre Draft Land Use Master Plan. New Context, Urban Design, Environmental Areas and Transportation polices have been added, and the Business Employment land use policies are updated within the Sheridan Park Corporate Centre (“Sheridan Park”). New Special Sites have been added, and new mapping recognizes additional Greenlands located within the Corporate Centre. While respecting the history of the research park, the amended policies allow a broader range of uses to encourage redevelopment to occur in Sheridan Park.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 40
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north side of Lakeshore Road West, east of Benson Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit Local Area Plan, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit retirement dwelling units, apartment dwelling units for seniors, townhouses and street related commercial uses and to change the land use designation of the north portion of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II to Mixed Use. It will delete Site 28, Special Site Policies of
the Port Credit Local Area Plan and replace it with Site 40, Special Site Policies of the Port Credit Local Area Plan.
Download Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 41
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located north of Battleford Road, on the west side of Winston Churchill Boulevard. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Office to Residential Low Density II.
Download Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 42
Location: East Credit neighbourhood Character Area
Download Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 43
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the northwest corner of Mississauga Road and North Sheridan Way. The subject lands are located in the Sheridan Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit 3 detached homes and to change the land use designation of the subject lands from “Motor Vehicle Commercial” to “Residential Low Density I”.
Download Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 44
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the southwest corner of Eglinton Avenue West and Erin Mills Parkway. The subject lands are located in the Central Erin Mills Major Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the Central Erin Mills Major Node Character Area policies to add permissions for townhouses and a mix of commercial uses to the existing Residential High Density site, and to increase the overall floor space index (FSI) to 3.2.
In Process – Not considered by Council
Location: Various lands within the City of Mississauga are affected by this Amendment.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add and amend policies in Mississauga Official Plan so that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014 (PPS).
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 47
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southwest corner of Thomas Street and Tenth Line West. The subject lands are located in the Churchill Meadows Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential High Density to Office .
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 48
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Alexandra Avenue, east of Seventh Street and north of Atwater Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a special site policy to permit the redevelopment of this parcel for detached dwellings on lots with smaller than averages frontages and areas .
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 49
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southeast corner of Lakeshore Road East and Elizabeth Street South. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a special site policy to permit additional height and include other provisions on the subject lands.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 50
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north side of Lakeshore Road West, east of Benson Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit retirement dwelling units, apartment dwelling units for seniors, townhouses and street related commercial uses.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 51
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Port Credit Community Node, Northeast Employment Area and Uptown Node Character Areas.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to redesignate two City owned properties to reflect current uses and to update a Special Site policy in the Uptown Major Node Character Area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 52
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Audubon Boulevard and Fieldgate Drive. The subject lands are located in the Rathwood Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to redesignate the subject lands from Parkway Belt West to Residential Low Density I.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 53
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designations of the subject lands from Industrial and Greenlands to Business Employment, Industrial and Greenlands to permit employment and industrial uses and to protect natural features.
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the east side of Winston Churchill Boulevard, south of Royal Windsor Drive. The subject lands are located in the Southdown Employment Area Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 54
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to update the Port Credit Local Area Plan Policies to reflect the recommendations of the Port Credit GO Station Southeast Area Master Plan.
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located west of Hurontario Street, south of the Canadian National Railway, east of Helene Street and north of High Street. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 55
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Downtown Core and Downtown Cooksville Character Areas, Malton and Streetsville Community Node Character Areas, Clarkson-Lorne Park, Churchill Meadows, Cooksville, Creditview, East Credit, Hurontario, Lisgar, Malton, Meadowvale Village and Sheridan Neighbourhood Character Areas and the Dixie, Northeast and Southdown Employment Area Character Areas, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of seventeen properties, sixteen of which are owned by the City and one owned by Credit Valley Conservation. The property designations will be amended to either the Greenlands or Public Open Space designation to reflect the current or intended land use of the parcels as part of the City’s Green System. Further, Special Site Policy 2 in the Creditview Neighbourhood Character Area is to be deleted as it is no longer relevant to the development of Zonta Meadows Park.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 56
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Aquitaine Avenue, north of Lake Aquitaine and east of Glen Erin Drive. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit 223 existing dwelling units on the subject site and also allow an additional 451 apartment dwelling units in 3 residential apartment buildings of 7, 9 and 12 storeys.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 57
Location: Various lands in proximity to railway corridors and major roads within the City of Mississauga are affected by this Amendment.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add and amend policies in Mississauga Official Plan for consistency with current noise and railway proximity guidelines.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 58
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located at 1516 and 1526 Southdown Road in the Clarkson – Lorne Park Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II to Office.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 59
Location: Character Area: Port Credit Community Node
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southwest corner of High Street East and Ann Street. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density to permit an apartment building and semi-detached dwelling units.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 60
Location: Character Area: Mineola Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southeast corner of South Service Road and Blanefield Road. The subject lands are located in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II to Residential Medium Density.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 61
Location: Character Area: Malton Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located north of Brandon Gate Drive and east of Netherwood Road. The subject lands are located in the Malton Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation for a portion of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential Low Density I, and to add a special site policy to permit the redevelopment of this parcel for semi-detached dwellings on lots with smaller than average frontages and areas, within the Airport Operating Area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 62
Location: Character Areas: Gateway Corporate Centre, Lakeview and Rathwood Neighbourhood Character Areas.
The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Gateway Corporate Centre, Lakeview and Rathwood Neighbourhood Character Areas respectively, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designations for three parcels of land in the City for consistency with the actual or proposed uses.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 63
Location: Character Areas: Central Erin Mills, Erin Mills, Sheridan, Clarkson-Lorne Park and Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Areas and the Port Credit Community Node.
The lands affected by this Amendment are located along Mississauga Road between the Canadian Pacific Railway, south of Reid Drive and Lakeshore Road West. The Amendment includes lands in the Central Erin Mills, Erin Mills, Sheridan, Clarkson Lorne Park and Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Areas and the Port Credit Community Node, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to strengthen the existing policies to protect the unique scenic character of Mississauga Road between Streetsville and Port Credit, and to remove the “Corridor” identification on Mississauga Road from the Canadian Pacific Railway, south of Streetsville to Dundas Street West.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 64
Location: Character Area: Port Credit
The lands affected by this Amendment are located south of Port Street East and east of the Credit River. The subject lands, municipally known as 1 Port Street East, are located in the Port Credit Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to make changes to Mississauga Official Plan, primarily Special Site 8 of the Port Credit Local Area Plan. The land use designation of portions of the subject site are amended from Mixed Use and Greenlands to Public Open Space, and both the Long Term Road Network and Long Term Cycling Routes schedules will be amended.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 65
Location: Lakeview Employment Area and Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Areas.
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East, and at Cawthra Road and Lakeshore Road East. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Employment Area and Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Areas, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to revise two sites in the Special Site and Exempt Site Policies of the Lakeview Local Area Plan (LLAP) to permit additional uses on lands designated Public Open Space and Residential Medium Density.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 66
Location: Character Area: Various lands within the City of Mississauga
Various lands within the City of Mississauga are affected by this Amendment. The Subject lands are within the Toronto-Lester B. Pearson International “Airport Operating Area” (AOA) and include all or parts of these Character Areas as identified in Mississauga Official Plan:
Note: This amendment is subject to approval from the Region of Peel
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to replace Aircraft Noise Policies in Mississauga Official Plan, to add a portion of lands in the Malton Community Node and Neighbourhood Character Areas as an “Exception Area” and to amend the boundary of the Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Exception Area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 67
Location: Character Area: Clarkson – Lorne Park Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at 2210 and 2230 Bromsgrove Road. The subject lands are located in the Clarkson – Lorne Park Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit horizontal multiple dwellings and to add a Special Site to the Clarkson – Lorne Park Neighbourhood Character Area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 68
Location: Character Area: Mineola Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southwest corner of South Service Road and Crestview Avenue. The subject lands are in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Convenience Commercial to Residential Medium Density.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 69
Location: Downtown Cooksville Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the southern portion of the block bounded by Cook and Agnes Streets, municipally known as 45 Agnes Street. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Cooksville Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the Downtown Cooksville Character Area Special Site 3 policies to permit a 28 storey apartment building in addition to townhouses.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 70
Location: Cooksville Neighbourhood | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Confederation Parkway, south of Dundas Street West. The subject lands are located in the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II to Mixed Use, and to add a special
site to permit townhouses.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 71
Location: Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located south of Derry Road West and east of McLaughlin Road. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation for a portion of the subject lands from Business Employment to Greenlands, and to add a special site policy to permit accessory uses in the Business Employment designation within the Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Character Area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 72
Location: Downtown Hospital and Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Areas
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at 2114, 2124 and 2130 Hurontario Street and 2095 to 2143 Grange Drive. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Hospital and Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Areas, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Note: MOPA is approved by Council it is under appeal period
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit apartments, horizontal multiple dwellings, office uses, ground level commercial uses and to add special sites in the Downtown Hospital and Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Areas.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 73
Location: Uptown Major Node Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the northwest quadrant of Hurontario Street and Eglinton Avenue West. The subject lands are located in the Uptown Major Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the Special Site 6, Area 6A, policies of the Uptown Major Node Character Area to permit a 34 storey apartment building and remove the permission for townhomes.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 74
Location: Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Cawthra Road, south of Atwater Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the Special Site 1 policies in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area to permit horizontal multiple dwellings.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 75
Location: South Common Community Node Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at 2277 South Millway. The subject lands are located in the South Common Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of a portion of the subject lands from Residential High Density to Greenlands, and to add a special site policy to the South Common Community Node Character Area to permit horizontal multiple dwellings.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 76
Location: Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located south of Queen Street West, north of Park Street West, west of Mississauga Road North and on the east and west sides of Wesley Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a Special Site to the Port Credit Local Area Plan to permit additional uses on lands designated Residential Medium Density. This Amendment also updates Schedule 3 – Port Credit Drive-Through Prohibitions, in the Port Credit Local Area Plan to show all lands currently designated as Mixed Use, where drive-through facilities are not permitted.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 77
Location: Sheridan Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at 2625 Hammond Road, south of Dundas Street West and east of Erin Mills Parkway. The subject lands are located in the Sheridan Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: To change the Greenlands and Residential Low Density II land use designation boundaries on the subject lands.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 78
Location: Hurontario Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northwest corner of Hurontario Street and Bristol Road West. The subject lands are located in the Hurontario Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Institutional to Mixed Use and to add Special Site 1 to the Hurontario Neighbourhood Character Area policies.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 79
Location: Clarkson Village Community Node, Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood, Cooksville Neighbourhood, Erin Mills Neighbourhood and Gateway Employment Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the following Character Areas: Clarkson Village Community Node, Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood, Cooksville Neighbourhood, Erin Mills Neighbourhood and Gateway Employment Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of five City owned properties. The property designations will be amended to either Greenlands or Public Open Space, to reflect the current or intended land use of the parcels as part of the City’s Green System. The sixth amendment is to add to the list of permitted uses for Special Site 3 (Sportszone North) in the Gateway Employment Character Area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 80
Location: Central Erin Mills Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Mississauga Road and Barbertown Road. The subject lands are located in the Central Erin Mills Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential Medium Density.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 81
Location: Applewood and Rathwood Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Applewood and Rathwood Neighbourhood Character Areas as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add background context to the Applewood and Rathwood Neighbourhood Character Area Policies of Mississauga Official Plan.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 82
Location: Fairview Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southwest corner of Burnhamthorpe Road West and Grand Park Drive. The subject lands are located in the Fairview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is:
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 83
Location: All lands in the City of Mississauga are affected by this Amendment with respect to changes to the General Land Use Designations, and in particular Special Site Policies in the South Common Community Node, Clarkson-Lorne Park, Cooksville, East Credit, Meadowvale and Mineola Neighbourhood Character Areas and in the Downtown Core and Lakeview Local Area Plans, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to replace all references to horizontal multiple dwellings and stacked townhouse dwellings with the term townhouse dwellings throughout Mississauga Official Plan.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 84
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Meadowvale Business Park Corporate Centre, Clarkson-Lorne Park, East Credit and Erin Mills Neighbourhoods and Churchill Meadows Employment Area Character Areas, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designations for eight parcels of land in the City for consistency with the actual or proposed uses, and for conformity with the Zoning By-law.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 85
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located southeast of Mavis Road and Highway 401. The subject lands are located in the Gateway Employment Area Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a Special Site Policy to permit limited outdoor display and storage and accessory retail sales of motor vehicles to a motor vehicle repair facility in a Business Employment designation.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 86
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north side of North Service Road, and west side of Camilla Road. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Hospital Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to: change the land use designation of part of the subject lands from Office to Residential High Density; to add a Special Site; to replace the Cooksville Creek Floodplain Management Concept with an updated version; and to remove the FSI range from Map 12-5: Downtown Hospital Character Area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 87
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Dixie Road, north of Burnhamthorpe Road East. The subject lands are located in the Rathwood-Applewood Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend Special Site 2 in the Rathwood- Applewood Community Node Character Area to permit a 14 storey apartment and townhouse dwellings.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 88
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located south of Lakeshore Road East to Lake Ontario, and from East Avenue to the Toronto municipal boundary. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Employment Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a new Major Node Character Area and to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Utility, Business Employment and Greenlands to Residential Medium Density, Mixed Use, Public Open Space, Institutional, Business Employment and Greenlands.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 89
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located south of the Highway 401/407 interchange, west of Ninth Line, east of Highway 407 and north of Highway 403. Character Area.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to create a new Neighbourhood Character Area for the Ninth Line Lands, remove the Special Study Area identification over the subject lands and to designate the subject lands Residential Medium Density, Mixed Use, Business Employment, Public Open Space, Greenlands, Parkway Belt West, Utility and Natural Hazard, and to add Transitway Route and Transitway Stations.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 90
Location: Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the east side of Cawthra Road, north of Dundas Street East. The subject lands are located in the Applewood.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Residential Low Density 11 and Residential Medium Density and to amend Special Site 4 by removing the subject lands from the Special Site 4 map.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 91
Location: Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the east side of Cawthra Road, north of Dundas Street East. The subject lands are located in the Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Residential Medium Density and to amend Special Site 4 by removing the subject lands from the Special Site 4 map.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 92
Location: Streetsville Neighbourhood | The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northwest intersection of Thomas Street and Joymar Drive in the City of Mississauga. The subject lands are located in the Streetsville Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a Special Site to the Streetsville Neighbourhood Character Area to permit semi-detached dwellings.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 93
Location: Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at 1137 and 1141 Clarkson Road North. The subject lands are located in the Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood
Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of a portion of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Mixed Use, and to delete the Exempt Site 2 policy.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 94
Location: Clarkson-Lorne Park, East Credit and Lisgar Neighbourhood Character Areas
The lands affected by this Amendment are located city-wide (general policy changes) and in the Clarkson-Lorne Park, East Credit and Lisgar Neighbourhood Character Areas (specific properties), as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to revise some of the Community Node, Neighbourhood, Mixed Use and Convenience Commercial Polices, to clarify the intention of mixed use development; make changes to the Residential High Density Polices to create a distinction from Mixed Use; to amend the policy with respect to the “120 m” test; and to make a number of site specific changes for two parcels of land, one Special Site Policy and an Exempt Site Policy. These changes are for consistency with the actual or proposed land uses, and for conformity with the Zoning By-law.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 95
Location: Central Erin Mills Major Node Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Erin Mills Parkway and Eglinton Avenue West in the City of Mississauga. The subject lands are located in the Central Erin Mills Major Node Character Area.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the Residential High Density and Greenlands land use designation boundaries to reflect the existing zoning and property lines, and to delete the floor space index limit from the subject lands.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 96
Location: Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southwest quadrant of Lakeshore Road West and Mississauga Road South. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Special Waterfront, Motor Vehicle Commercial and Public Open Space to Mixed Use, Residential Medium Density, Residential High Density and Public Open Space; change Special Site 3 of the Port Credit Local Area Plan; and, change the Long Term Road Network.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 97
Location: Malton Neighbourhood Character Area and Northeast Employment Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are as follows:
Lands identified as Malton Neighbourhood Character Area
Lands located east of Rexwood Road and Netherbrae Road
Lands located at the southwest corner of Airport Road and Drew Road (in the Northeast Employment Character Area)
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add new urban design and transportation policies in the Malton Neighbourhood Character Area;
Delete two Special Sites within the Malton Neighbourhood Character Area;
Amend the land use designation from no designation to Residential Medium Density for a small piece of land near Rexwood Road and Netherbrae Road; and
Add a Special Site within the Northeast Employment Character Area to allow for retail and personal service establishment uses.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 98
Location: East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Mavis Road, south of Matheson Boulevard West. The subject lands are located in the East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the Special Site 7 policies in the East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area to permit development higher than four storeys on a Residential High Density site in a Neighbourhood and to increase the permitted floor space index.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 99
Location: Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Lorne Park Road, east of Garden Road. The subject lands are located in the Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Residential Low Density II and to amend Special Site 1.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 100
Location: East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on north side of Barbertown Road, east of the Credit River. The subject lands are located in the East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of a portion of the subject lands from Greenlands to Residential Medium Density to permit 75 townhouses, and to delete Exempt Site 4.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 101
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northwest corner of Lakeshore Road East and Dixie Road. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use and Greenlands to Residential High Density.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 102
In Process – Not considered by Council
Location: Port Credit Community Node Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southeast corner of Port Street East and Helene Street South. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and amend the Port Credit Community height limit schedule.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 104
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the East Credit Neighbourhood, Erin Mills Neighbourhood, Hurontario Neighbourhood, Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood, Streetsville Neighbourhood and Northeast Employment Area Character Areas, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designations for five parcels of city owned land to reflect the actual or proposed uses, to add two special sites to allow a broader range of uses in two parks, and for consistency with the Zoning By-law.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 105
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are generally located along the Dundas Street corridor between Highway 403 and Etobicoke Creek.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the designated right-of-way widths of Dundas Street West and Dundas Street East as follows:
Between Highway 403 and Mississauga Road from 35 m to 40 m;
Between Mindemoya Road and Proudfoot Street from 30 m to 35 m; and
Between Credit Woodlands Court to Etobicoke Creek from 35 to 42 m.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 106
Location: Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southwest corner of Battleford Road and Glen Erin Drive. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a Special Site to the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area to permit apartment buildings with a maximum height of 15 storeys.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 107
Location: Downtown Fairview Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northwest corner of Central Parkway West and Hurontario Street. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Fairview Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to add a Special Site to the Downtown Fairview Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 108
Location: Downtown Cooksville Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Dundas Street East, east of Hurontario Street. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Cooksville Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and Greenlands.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 109
Location: Uptown Major Node Character Area |
The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the northwest quadrant of Hurontario Street and Eglinton Avenue West. The subject lands are located in the Uptown Major Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the Special Site 6 policies of the Uptown Major Node Character Area to increase the number of dwelling units, decrease the minimum and remove the maximum amount of retail commercial and office space, increase the permitted height of buildings and delete the floor space index (FSI) from the subject site.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 110
Location: Streetsville Neighbourhood Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Main Street and Wyndham Street. The subject lands are located in the Streetsville Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Residential Medium Density and Greenlands, and from Greenlands to Residential Medium Density to permit townhouse dwellings.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 111
Location: Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Cawthra Road, north of Arbor Road. The subject lands are located in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II to Residential Medium Density and to add a Special Site to the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area to permit detached dwellings.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 112
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located north of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way, on the west side of Mona Road. The subject lands are located in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to redesignate a portion of the subject land from Residential Low Density I to Greenlands and to add a Special Site.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 113
Location: Uptown Major Node Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north side of Eglinton Avenue East, east of Hurontario Street in the City of Mississauga. The subject lands are located in the Uptown Major Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation for a portion of the subject lands from Residential High Density to Residential Medium Density, Public Open Space and no designation (road) and from Residential Medium Density to Residential High Density, Public Open Space and no designation (road), and to amend Special Site 2 and add a special site to the Uptown Major Node Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 114
Location: Central Erin Mills Major Node Character Area; and the Malton, Meadowvale, Rathwood Applewood, Sheridan and South Common | The lands affected by this Amendment are located city-wide (for general policy changes regarding definitions); the Central Erin Mills Major Node Character Area; and the Malton, Meadowvale, Rathwood-Applewood, Sheridan and South Common.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to revise policies pertaining to the Central Erin Mills Major Node and the Community Nodes that are mall-based and to add definitions for ‘podium’ and ‘tactical urbanism’.
Status: Under appeal
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 115
Location: Uptown Major Node Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located within the Uptown Major Node Character Area, as identified in the Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to revise policies pertaining to the Uptown Major Node Character Area and introduce policies on housing, land use, urban design, transportation, open space, community infrastructure and implementation.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 116
Location: Southdown Employment Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located within the Southdown Employment Area and the Clarkson GO MTSA boundary (once delineated), as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a policy to require a satisfactory air quality study before sensitive land uses can be considered on the lands located within the Southdown Employment Area Character Area and the Clarkson GO Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) boundary, once delineated.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 117
Location: Downtown Cooksville Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the northeast corner of Dundas Street West and Novar Road. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Cooksville Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation for a portion of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to also remove the floor space index (FSI) range from the northern portion of the subject site.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 118
Location: Hurontario Neighbourhood Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southeast corner of Hurontario Street and Bristol Road East. The subject lands are located in the Hurontario Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to add a Special Site to the Hurontario Neighbourhood Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 119
Location: Downtown Fairview Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the northeast corner of Fairview Road East and Hurontario Street. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Fairview Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Office to Residential High Density and to add a Special Site
to the Downtown Fairview Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 120
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Dixie Road and Venta Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Residential Medium Density and to increase the maximum height limit to permit four, four storey townhouses.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 121
Location: East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located south of Britannia Road West, east of Whitehorn Avenue. The subject lands are located in the East Credit Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to delete an unregistered road extension from the subject lands and replace it with the Residential Medium Density designation, and to delete a portion of the Residential Medium Density designation and replace it with a local road allowance.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 122
Location: Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the southeast corner of Bloor Street and Fieldgate Drive. The subject lands are located in the Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a Special Site to the Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area and to delete the floor space index (FSI) range from the subject site.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 123
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southwest corner of Lakeshore Road East and East Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use and Residential Low Density II to Residential High Density and to increase the maximum height limit on the subject lands.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 124
Location: Lakeview Waterfront Major Node Character Area | The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Lakeshore Road East, east of Lakefront Promenade. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Waterfront Major Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to revise policies pertaining to the Lakeview Waterfront Major Node. Character Area and introduce policies on land use, heights and affordable housing, in keeping with the Lakeview Waterfront Development Master Plan.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 125
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are all properties zoned “D” (Development) under the City of Mississauga’s Zoning By-law 0225-2007.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to introduce policies outlining the criteria for the assessment of a minor variance application on properties with a “D” zone (Development).
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 126
Location: Mississauga Valleys Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located northwest of Dundas Street East and Cawthra Road (connection to Dundas Street East). The subject lands are located in the Mississauga Valleys Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to delete the floor space index (FSI) range from the subject site on Map 16-19: Mississauga Valleys Neighbourhood Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 127
Location: Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to revise policies pertaining to the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area and introduce policies on land use, urban design, transportation and housing.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 128
Location: Rathwood-Applewood Community Node Character Area. The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Hickory Drive and Burnhamthorpe Road East. The subject lands are located in
the Rathwood-Applewood.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Office to Residential Medium Density.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 129
Location: Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located northwest of Lakeshore Road West and Lorne Park Road, at Albertson Crescent and Bramblewood Lane. The subject lands are located in the Clarkson-Lorne Park Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Office to Residential Medium Density and Greenlands.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 130
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located along Lakeshore Road East between Seneca Avenue and the Etobicoke Creek. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to revise policies pertaining to height and urban design in the Lakeview Local Area Plan.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 131
Location: Ninth Line Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located west of Ninth Line, north of Erin Centre Boulevard. The subject lands are located in the Ninth Line Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Medium Density to Public Open Space.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 132
Location: Streetsville Community Node Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Tannery Street, west of Broadway Street and north of Emby Drive. The subject lands are located in the Streetsville Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend Special Site 2 within the Streetsville Community Node Character Area to permit townhouse dwellings not accessory to an apartment dwelling.
Status: Under appeal
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 133
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located north of Highway 401, east of Second Line West, and west side of Harmony Hill. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Village Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Greenlands to Residential Low Density II and Residential Medium Density.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 134
Location: Sheridan Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southwest corner of Dundas Street West and Fifth Line West. The subject lands are located in the Sheridan Neighbourhood Character Area and along an Intensification Corridor, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Medium Density to Residential High Density and to remove the existing floor space index (FSI) range from the subject lands.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 135
Location: Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located north of Dundas Street East, west of Cawthra Road. The subject lands are located in the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to permit a range of commercial and employment uses and to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Utility and no designation to Mixed Use.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 136
Location: Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of McLaughlin Road, north of Navigator Drive. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Village Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II to Residential High Density and to add a Special Site to permit a six storey apartment dwelling.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 137
Location: City-wide (The lands affected by this Amendment are all lands in the City of Mississauga.)
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add implementation policies that specify the scope of the delegated authority given to the Commissioner of Planning and Building to pass by-laws that are minor in nature under section 34, Zoning By-laws, of the Planning Act.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 138
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are all lands in the City of Mississauga that are subject to site plan control.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend implementation policies as they relate to complete application requirements in Chapter 19 of Mississauga Official Plan.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 139
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in protected Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA). The subject lands are located along the following areas as identified in Mississauga Official Plan:
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to introduce policies and mapping that will permit the City to require affordable housing units in new developments in certain Major Transit Station Areas.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 140
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located along the Dundas Street corridor including the following Character Areas: Dixie-Dundas Community Node, the Applewood Neighbourhood, Cooksville Neighbourhood, Erin Mills Neighbourhood, Erindale Neighbourhood, Mississauga Valleys Neighbourhood, Sheridan Neighbourhood, DixieEmployment Area, Mavis-Erindale Employment Area, and the Western Business Park Employment Area.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add policies pertaining to lands along the Dundas Street Corridor.
Status: Under appeal
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 141
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located along the Dundas Street corridor, including the following Character Areas: Dixie-Dundas Community Node, the Applewood Neighbourhood, Cooksville Neighbourhood, Erin Mills Neighbourhood, Erindale Neighbourhood, Mississauga Valleys Neighbourhood, Sheridan Neighbourhood, Dixie Employment Area, Mavis-Erindale Employment Area, and the Western Business Park Employment Area.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add policies pertaining to lands along the Dundas Street Corridor that are located within 16 protected Major Transit Station Areas identified by the Region of Peel.
Status: Under appeal
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 142
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located city-wide, primarily focused along higher order transit corridors such as Hurontario Street, Dundas Street, Lakeshore Road East, Highway 403, Highway 407, and the Milton, Kitchener and Lakeshore West GO rail lines. It includes various Character Areas including Downtown, Major Nodes, Community Nodes, Corporate Centres, Neighbourhoods, Employment Areas, and the University of Toronto Mississauga Special Purpose Area.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add or update policies pertaining to Major Transit Station Areas and to add or revise definitions.
Status: Under appeal
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 143
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located city-wide, primarily focused along higher order transit corridors such as Hurontario Street, Dundas Street, Lakeshore Road East, Highway 403, Highway 407, and the Milton, Kitchener and Lakeshore West GO Rail lines. It includes various Character Areas including Downtown, Major Nodes, Community Nodes, Corporate Centres, Neighbourhoods, Employment Areas, and the University of Toronto Mississauga Special Purpose Area.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add policies pertaining to Major Transit Station Areas across the City and to revise or add applicable schedules.
Status: Under appeal
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 144
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Downtown Fairview, Cooksville and Hospital Character Areas, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to establish a vision and set of guiding principles and to add and revise policies on community infrastructure, parks, urban design, roads and pedestrian connections for the Downtown Fairview, Cooksville and Hospital Character Areas.
Status: Under appeal
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 145
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Downtown Fairview, Cooksville and Hospital Character Areas, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to revise existing policies and add new protected Major Transit Transit Station Area policies on heights, densities and uses of land for the Downtown Fairview, Cooksville and Hospital Character Areas.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 146
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Hurontario Street and Armdale Road. The subject lands are located in the Uptown Major Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the policies for Special Site 2 in the Uptown Major Node Character Area to permit three apartment buildings with heights of 23, 33 and 38 storeys.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 147
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to add amend the Lakeview Local Area Plan Height Map and to permit an 11 storey apartment building with ground floor commercial space.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 148
Location: Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Aquitaine Avenue and Glen Erin Drive. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to delete Special Site 2 in the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area to permit the addition of a 12 storey apartment dwelling and 28 townhouse dwellings.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 149
Location: Mineola Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located south of South Service Road, east side of Hurontario Street. The subject lands are located in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: This Amendment aims to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Residential Medium Density and to delete the subject lands from Special Site 2 in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 150
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the southwest corner of Lakeshore Road East and Enola Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to amend the Lakeview Local Area Plan Height Limits Map to permit a nine storey apartment dwelling with ground floor commercial space.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 151
Location: Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northwest corner of Dundas Street West and Parkerhill Road. The subject lands are located in the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and Greenlands, and to add a Special Site to the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 152
Location: Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the southeast corner of King Street East and Camilla Road. The subject lands are located in the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: To remove the subject lands from Special Site 7, within the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area, to permit nine freehold detached dwellings and 13 detached dwellings on a common element condominium road.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 153
Location: Ninth Line Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located west of Ninth Line and north of Eglinton Avenue West. The subject lands are located in the Ninth Line Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: To change the land use designation of the subject lands from Parkway Belt West to Residential Medium Density to permit townhouse dwellings (42 back to back townhouse dwellings and four condominium townhouse dwellings).
Status: Under appeal period to February 15, 2023
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 154
Location: Downtown Fairview Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Hurontrario Street, south of Central Parkway West. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Fairview Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Office to Residential High Density and to amend Special Site 2 in the Downtown Fairview Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 155
Location: Cooksville Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located south of Dundas Street West, west of Confederation Parkway. The subject lands are located in the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Residential Medium Density to permit back to back stacked townhouse dwellings.
Status: In Effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 156
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the east side of Fergus Avenue, north of Lakeshore Road East. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to amend the Lakeview Local Area Plan Height Limits Map for the subject lands from two to eight storeys to two to 10 storeys.
Status: In Effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 157
Location: Meadowvale Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northwest corner of Winston Churchill Boulevard and Britannia Road West. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II to Residential Medium Density to permit a four storey apartment dwelling containing 20 units.
Status: In Effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 158
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Lakeshore Road East and Ogden Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to amend the Lakeview Local Area Plan Height Limits Map to permit a nine storey apartment dwelling with ground floor commercial space.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 159
Location: Lakeview Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northeast corner of Lakeshore Road East and Cherriebell Road. The subject lands are located in the Lakeview Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and to amend the Lakeview Local Area Plan Height Limits Map to permit an eight storey apartment dwelling with ground floor commercial space.
Status: In Effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 160
Location: Downtown Core Local Area Plan
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north side of Burnhamthorpe Road West, east of Confederation Parkway. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Core Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to replace the planned local road with a pedestrian walkway and municipal easement, and add a stratified park and Special Site policy within the subject lands, to facilitate the development of a five tower mixed use development.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 161
Location: Malton Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the east side of Goreway Drive, north of Derry Road East, in the City of Mississauga. The subject lands are located in the Malton Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use and Greenlands to Residential High Density and Greenlands, and to amend Special Site 2 policies within the Malton Neighbourhood Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 162
Location: City Wide
The Official Plan Amendment applies to all lands in the City of Mississauga designated to permit a detached, semi-detached, or townhouse dwelling.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to introduce policies for the as-of-right permission of three residential units on a detached, semi-detached, or townhouse dwelling lot.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 163
Location: Uptown Major Node Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the southwest corner of Eglinton Avenue West and Hurontario Street. The subject lands are located in the Uptown Major Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Office to Residential High Density and to amend the Special Site Policies for the Uptown Major Node Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 164
Location: City Wide
The Official Plan Amendment applies to all lands in the City of Mississauga designated as Residential Low Density I and II.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to introduce policies to permit development for up to four residential units (hereinafter referred to as fourplexes) on low-rise residential lots in neighbourhoods city-wide.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 166
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the west side of Queen Street South, south side of Britannia Road West, in the City of Mississauga. The subject lands are located in the Streetsville Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use, Residential Medium Density and no designation to Residential High Density, and to add a Special Site to permit an eight storey apartment dwelling within the Streetsville Community Node Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 167
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the north side of Dundas Street West, east of Parkerhill Road and west of Confederation Parkway with one contiguous lot that has frontage on Parkerhill Road. The subject lands are located in the Cooksville Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a portion of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Residential High Density and to add a Special Site policy.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 168
Location: Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the northwest corner of Dundas Street East and Haines Road. The subject lands are located in the Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 169
Location: Streetsville Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the east side of Queen Street North, north of Britannia Road West, in the City of Mississauga. The subject lands are located in the Streetsville Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density, and to add a Special Site to permit a 10 storey apartment dwelling with ground floor commercial uses within the Streetsville Neighbourhood Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 170
Location: Rathwood Neighbourhood
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the northeast corner of Burnhamthorpe Road East and Tomken Road. The subject lands are located in the Rathwood Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Motor Vehicle Commercial to Residential High Density.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 171
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are all lands in the City of Mississauga.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to introduce policies that redefine the scope of site plan control by Provincial legislation and to introduce alternative public notice measures.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 172
Location: Meadowvale Village Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Derry Road West, east of McLaughlin Road. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Village Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a portion of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II and Business Employment to Residential Medium Density. A Special Site is being added to permit detached dwellings within the Residential Medium Density designation and additional uses in the Business Employment portion of the subject lands.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 174
Location: Meadowvale Village
The lands affected by this Amendment are located along a portion of the decommissioned Orangeville-Brampton Railway corridor, between the Mississauga-Brampton border to the north, to approximately Inuit Trail to the south. The subject lands are located in the Meadowvale Village Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from no designation to Parkway Belt West, Greenlands, and Public Open Space.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 175
Location: Clarkson-Lorne Park Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located east of Winston Churchill Boulevard, north of Truscott Drive, and south of Sandgate Park. The subject lands are located in the Clarkson-Lorne Park Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II to Residential Medium Density, to permit a residential development comprising of back to back townhouses on a common element condominium (CEC) – road.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 176
Location: Downtown Core Local Area Plan Character Area
North side of Rathburn Road West, east of Confederation Parkway, the southeast corner of Rathburn Road West and Duke of York Boulevard, and the southwest corner of City Centre Drive and Kariya Gate. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Core Local Area Plan Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of portions of the subject lands from Office to Downtown Mixed Use and from Office to Public Open Space to expand residential permissions and to designate a portion of a block as public open space.
This Amendment also makes changes to the Special Site 12 map and policies, and adds Special Sites 16, 17 and 18 maps and policies to the Downtown Core Local Area Plan to establish minimum non-residential and office requirements, require public open space, and to permit science and technology facilities.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 177
Location: Downtown Cooksville Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the southeast corner of Dundas Street East and Shepard Avenue. The subject lands are located in the Downtown Cooksville Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Mixed Use to Residential High Density and Greenlands and to add a Special Site within the Downtown Cooksville Character Area.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 178
Location: Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the northwest side of South Service Road, east of Hurontario Street. The subject lands are located in the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density II to Residential High Density and to add a Special Site to the Mineola Neighbourhood Character Area.
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 180
Location: Port Credit Local Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located on the south side of Lakeshore Road West, west of Mississauga Road South. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit West Village Precinct of the Port Credit Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in the Port Credit Local Area Plan of Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose:The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a portion of the subject lands from Residential Medium Density to Residential High Density and to amend the Port Credit Local Area Plan Height Schedule 2C and Special Site 3 policies within the Port Credit Local Area Plan.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 181
Location: Employment Area and Corporate Centre Character Areas
The lands affected by this Amendment are located in the Employment Area and Corporate Centre Character Areas, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan to the extent that these lands are shown in Schedule E-4 of Region of Peel Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to update Mississauga Official Plan to align with the new definition of “area of employment” in the Planning Act and the Provincial Planning Statement (PPS, 2024) to take effect on October 20, 2024. As the City has become the authority for administering the Region of Peel Official Plan (ROP), parallel changes to that Plan are also proposed.
Status: Under appeal
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 182
Location: Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area
Northwest corner of Williamsport Drive and Havenwood Drive. The subject lands are located in the Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add a Special Site to the Applewood Neighbourhood Character Area to increase the permitted floor space index (FSI) to a maximum of 1.5 for the subject lands.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 183
Location: The lands affected by this Amendment are located in Protected Major Transit Station Areas (PMTSAs). Along the Hurontario Street Light Rail Transit Route from the southernmost point to Matheson Boulevard West, including MTSAs located in the Downtown Core. Along the 407 Bus Rapid Transit Route (Derry and Britannia MTSAs). Along the future Lakeshore Road East Bus Rapid Transit Route (Lakefront Promenade, Haig, and Dixie MTSAs). Along the Dundas Street Bus Rapid Transit Route.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to freeze the Inclusionary Zoning set aside rate at the current (2024) rates and address a few housekeeping matters.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 184
Location: Southwest corner of Goreway Drive and Etude Drive
The subject lands are located in the Malton Neighbourhood Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation of the subject lands from Residential Low Density I to Residential Medium Density to permit 15 townhouses.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 185
Location: Port Credit Community Node Character Area
The lands affected by this Amendment are located west of Hurontario Street, south of the Canadian National Railway and Queen Street East, east of Ann Street and north of Park Street East. The subject lands are located in the Port Credit Community Node Character Area, as identified in Mississauga Official Plan.
Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to amend Special Site 12 policies of the Port Credit Local Area Plan to permit a 36 and 29 storey apartment building with commercial and office space within the first three storeys and a pedestrian plaza.
Status: In effect
Download: Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 187