Backwater valve permits

A building permit is required to install a backwater valve.

Backwater valves prevent the flow of sanitary or storm sewage back into your home. If storm water or sewage flows backwards from city sewers, the backwater valve closes to stop from entering your home. They are especially helpful in times of flooding or heavy rain.

How to apply

Submit your application online in ePlans using the “building permit” request type.

Drawings and documents are not required for a backwater valve permit application. This video explains how to apply, or read the instructions that follow.

Create an ePlans account

  1. Enter your information in all required fields
  2. Set a password and click Create My Account
  3. Open your email inbox to retrieve the verification code from email sent to you
  4. Copy the verification code, and go back to ePlans and enter the code into the field and click Continue
  5. Log in using email and password you created when you created your account

Already have an ePlans account

  1. Log in and scroll down to Building and Zoning applications and click to enter
  2. On left side, in the Start New Application Request box, select Building Permit from the drop down list
  3. Give your project a name, anything you like
  4. Click Start Application Process
  5. Scroll down to accept Terms and Conditions
  6. Start filling out online application form, by default your profile information populates as applicant:
    • Step 1: Select Residential from drop down list, type in your address, only type first few letters of street name and select your street from drop down list, repeat and only type first few characters of street number and select from the drop down list, scroll down and put Project Value as 0 and Area of Construction as 0
    • Step 2: Select Other checkbox, in Proposed Use of Building enter dwelling, and for Description of Proposed Work enter backwater valve
    • Step 3: If you are property owner, click Yes, this will populate your ePlans profile information here, if you are not the owner, select No and enter the information manually
    • Proceed to Step 6, select No to both questions
    • Step 7: Select Yes to first question, select the checkbox, select No for the third question, and Yes for last two questions
    • Step 8: Read and understand the terms, select the checkbox and click Save & Calculate Administrative Fees
    • Then click Submit Request
  7. Verify all information on the billing page, click Submit
  8. Enter your credit card information to pay $50 administrative fee then click Pay Now

Application Request Confirmation page displays with temporary project number.

Click Home. Wait five minutes, you will receive application upload requirements email.

Once you receive your application upload requirements email

  1. Return to Home dashboard and refresh page, project should appear in my projects dashboard
  2. Click Open button
  3. No drawings needed but complete Steps 2 and 3 so project is sent to staff to review
    • Step 2 of 3: Select the two check boxes
    • Step 3 of 3: Click Submit
  4. Click Okay in the pop-up

Your application is now in pre-screen review. You will receive emails with more instructions once staff have pre-screened your project.


A $50 administrative fee is required to submit your application in ePlans. No additional fees are required.

How long it takes

Once we receive your application, your backwater valve permit should be issued within approximately three business days.

You will receive emails on how your application is progressing, including once your permit has been issued.

Book an inspection

Once your device is installed, you can schedule a plumbing inspection.

Proof of completed inspection

Once the inspector has signed off on your backwater valve the permit status will change to “Completed – All inspections signed off”.

Use the building permit application status tool to confirm your permit status.

Check permit status

Contact us

For more information, call 311 (905-615-4311) or complete a service request online.