Designated Heritage Property Grant

Property owners can apply for matching funding to support the conservation, repair or restoration of a designated heritage property. Projects must show how they are using best practices to protect and conserve a heritage property.

Designated heritage property owners can submit an application for the grant between February and September.

Apply for a Designated Heritage Property Grant

Review periods

Application reviews take place in three batches for applications received between:

  • February 1 to March 15
  • March 16 to June 30
  • July 1 to September 30

Your application should be reviewed about six weeks after the closing date of your chosen batch.

Funding amount

Designated heritage property owners can apply for a grant of $500 to $25,000 or half the eligible project costs, whichever is less.

All grants must be matched by an equal contribution by the property owner, verified by invoices.

Grants will be paid in the order that complete applications are received and approved, until there is no more funding available, or the application period expires, whichever comes first. 

For more information on eligible properties and projects, review the Designated Heritage Property Grant Program Guidelines.

Contact us

If you have questions or need more information about the Designated Heritage Property Grant Program, email or call 905-615-3200 ext. 4061.