Heritage application review process

Before submitting your application, review the 2025 heritage application deadlines.

Learn more about the review process for heritage permits to alter a designated heritage property.

1. City review and feedback

The City will review your application to make sure it’s complete. If there’s information missing, you’ll be required to make revisions and re-submit the application.

2. Report is complete

Once your application is deemed complete, the City has 90 days to respond.

3. Subcommittee review

If your property is in a Heritage Conservation District, the local subcommittee reviews the project and makes recommendations to the Citywide Heritage Advisory Committee.

4. Heritage Advisory Committee recommendation

The Heritage Advisory Committee reviews the project and makes recommendations to City Council or the Director, Culture Division, Community Services, when authorized by delegated authority under the Heritage By-law.

5. Decision

Your heritage application can be approved, denied, or approved with conditions.


You have the right to appeal the City’s decision. Email heritage.planning@mississauga.ca or call 905-615-3200 ext. 4061 for more information about the appeal process.

Learn more about the review process for heritage approval to demolish a structure on a listed heritage property.

1. City review and feedback

The City will review your application to make sure it’s complete. If there’s information missing, you’ll be required to make revisions and re-submit the application.

2. Report is complete

Once your application is deemed complete, the City has 60 days to respond.

3. Heritage Advisory Committee recommendation

The Heritage Advisory Committee reviews the project and makes recommendations to City Council.

4. Decision

A heritage demolition notice can be issued after 60 days, or the City will protect the property with a Notice of Intention to Designate (NOID).