Transportation Network Company

What documents, approvals and fees you need to apply for a Transportation Network Company (TNC) licence, as well as driver and vehicle requirements.

To operate in Mississauga, the TNC will need to provide the following:

  • An Owner Licence Application
  • The name, phone number and email of an authorized representative of the TNC
  • A list of all drivers working for the TNC including their full names, licence plate numbers and the year, make and model of their vehicles
  • Sworn declaration that all drivers have provided the required paperwork
  • Insurance certificate with commercial general liability insurance for $5,000,000. The City must be named as additional insured with an indemnity clause in favour of the City.
  • Sworn declaration that the TNC will maintain and deliver data securely and ensure all of their drivers maintain driver requirements
  • A report from an independent third party auditor, if requested

If the company is a corporation, you’ll also need:

  • Articles of incorporation or other incorporating documents (from the Province of Ontario or Government of Canada)
  • List of directors

If the company is a partnership, you’ll also need:

  • Name and address of each partner
  • Registered business address and contact information of TNC

Licence fee

To operate in Mississauga, the TNC will need to pay the annual TNC licensing fee of $21,854.54.

All drivers must provide an:

  • An acceptable criminal and driving record
  • Automobile liability insurance for $2,000,000 with a ride sharing policy
  • An annual safety standards certificate

Drivers must only accept trips requested through the TNC app. Drivers can only carry a maximum of seven passengers at one time (excluding the driver themselves).

All TNC vehicles must:

  • Be equipped with four doors and be a maximum of seven model years old
  • Be registered in Ontario
  • Be clean and in good repair both on the exterior and interior
  • Have working seat belts, heating, air conditioning and GPS navigation
  • Be equipped with snow-rated tires from December 1 to April 30, featuring the 3 mountain snowflake symbol

For more information, please contact 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits) or email