Vehicle brokerages

These types of licences are issued to businesses that help passengers travel between two locations of their choice, such as a taxi brokerage or an airport transportation vehicle brokerage.

Licence requirements

To apply for a vehicle brokerage licence you must maintain an office within the City from which the brokerage is operated.

You’ll also need to submit the following documents and pay the licence fee of $580.51 (fees are payable by cheque, Debit, Visa, Master Card or AMEX):

  • An Owner Licence Application. This must be completed by the business owner, partner, president or an authorized agent.
  • Proof that the location of your business complies with the Zoning By-law, such as a Zoning Certificate of Occupancy
  • Articles of incorporation or business registration documents
  • A federal radio licence, if applicable
  • A copy of brokerage rules and procedures including terms and conditions of payment to drivers
  • A sample roof light or decal, if applicable

Renewing a brokerage licence

Taxi brokerage licences expire every year on February 28. Airport Transportation Vehicle Licences expire every year on March 31.

A renewal notice will be mailed to the address we have on file for you.

To renew your licence you’ll need to submit the following documents and pay the renewal fee:

The fee to renew your licence is $540.90.