Fire truck leaving a training facility

Book a fire station tour or fire truck visit

The City offers fire station tours and fire truck visits to residents groups and schools in Mississauga.

Rules and conditions

The following rules and conditions apply for both programs. No exceptions will be made.

  • There must be at least one adult for every five children for the entire station tour and truck visit.
  • No visitors are allowed to handle or mount any fire equipment unless approved and supervised by MFES staff.
  • The programs are meant for education only. The City will not host parties nor permit food or drinks during a tour.
  • For truck requests, we do not send fire trucks to events taking place at resident homes.
  • MFES staff are on duty during the tours and visits and may be called to an emergency. If this happens, staff will end the tour and visitors are welcome to submit a new request for another tour or visit.

Submit a request

Complete the form below to request a fire station tour or fire truck visit at least 30 days before the preferred day of the tour or visit. Requests received less than 30 days will not be accepted.

We’ll respond to your request within five business days.

To cancel or make changes to a previously submitted request, please email

All fields are required unless marked as optional

Program selection

What do you want to book?

Program booking details

Select date (MM-DD-YYYY)

Will there be children attending the tour or event?

Contact information

Please provide the name and phone number of the best person to contact on the event date. 

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Notice of Collection

Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, SO 1997, C.4.

Personal information will be used to book a fire station tour or fire truck visit.

Questions about this collection should be directed to: Captain Public Education, Fire Plans Exam and Public Education, at 905-615-3200 ext. 3296.
