
If you’re building a fence or planting trees, hedges or shrubs that will act as a fence, it will need to comply with the Fence By-law.

You cannot build a fence on City property, highways or road allowances. Your fence cannot be made of barbed wire or any other hazardous material.

Fences are either open construction, which means at least one-third of the fence must be see through. Fences can also be closed construction, which means you cannot see through them.

Fence locations and maximum height

You may not need a permit to build a fence in most cases, but the maximum height depends on where it will be located on your property.

If the fence is in the back yard or side yard it must be:

  • Maximum 2 metres high
  • If your backyard is next to a neighbour’s front yard, the fence must be open construction if it’s within 4.5 metres of the neighbour’s driveway

If the fence is in the front yard it must be:

  • Maximum 1 metre high
  • Maximum 1.5 metres high if open construction

For corner lot fences or fences within a sight triangle please refer to the by-law.

Fence exemptions

If you’re planning on building a fence which does not comply with the Fence By-law, you can apply for a fence exemption.

To apply for a fence exemption you must complete the Fence Exemption Application Form, pay the fee of $340.47 (includes HST), and also submit the following documents:

  • A property survey
  • A site plan
  • Specifications of the fence
  • Details of the construction and installation of the fence
  • Consent from the abutting neighbours to the exemption request (the neighbours whose property shares the fenced boundary)
  • Letter of authority from the legal property owner, if applicable

Send your completed application form, documents and cheque or money order, made payable to the City of Mississauga, via mail to:

Compliance and Licensing Enforcement
3232 Mavis Road
Mississauga ON L5C 1T7

You can also book an appointment to submit your application in person at the Compliance and Licensing Enforcement Office. You’ll only be admitted to the building if you have a scheduled appointment.

Boundary line fences

A boundary line or division fence is located on the lot line between two properties. Any disputes related to the location or price of the fence must be settled between the property owners.

Although the City does not get involved in division fence disputes, here are some resources to help you come to an agreement with your neighbour:

For more information, check the Line Fences Act.

Damaged fences

All fences on private property must be kept in good repair according to the by-law.

If you see a damaged or dilapidated fence you can report a neglected property or call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits).