Park access permit

You will need a park access permit if you:

  • Have to access your private property through a City park or natural area to complete construction or renovations such as landscaping, tree removal, building a deck, fence or pool
  • Are completing work on a City park or natural area such as utility maintenance or other non-park related construction

You should apply for your park access permit at least two weeks before your work begins.

A park access permit is different from a permit to book a picnic park and cannot be used to book a City park for group recreational activities.


Each permit costs $414.26.

These additional fees may apply, depending on the work you’re completing:

  • $1,249.64 security deposit for minor projects
    • A security deposit for major projects determined by Parks and Forestry
  • $183.24 hourly staff charge for administration or site inspection
    • Additional hourly charges will apply after three hours of staff time
  • $328.07 for a seasonal permit for shared use of park space
  • Direct cost of site restoration costs for city contractors
    • Plus 8% administration fee
  • $168.52 per hour, per staff, for site restoration costs by Parks and Forestry
    • Plus direct cost for materials

HST will be added to all fees.

Apply for a park access permit

  1. Email your completed park access permit application form and certificate of insurance to Your certificate of insurance must have at least $2 million in coverage identifying the City of Mississauga as an additional insured.
  2. We’ll review your application and email you a checklist of any other requirements like a refundable security deposit or documents  like a site plan that you’ll need to submit. If any additional documents are required from the checklist, email them to us.
  3. Staff will email you a submission of fees and securities form that will include payment instructions.

What happens next

You will receive a copy of your permit by email once you’ve paid the applicable fees and security deposit.

When the work on your property is completed, email to schedule a site inspection. Once your property passes the site inspection, we will mail you a cheque to refund your security deposits.