Apply for a flood resilience rebate

The flood resilience rebate helps cover the cost of installing water‑resistant materials or other flood prevention measures in your home. You can apply for a rebate of 50% of the cost of your upgrades, up to a maximum of $3,000.

Applications are open from February 12 to December 31, 2025.

Who can apply

To be eligible to receive the rebate you must:

  • Be an individual, not a corporation or other business entity
  • Be the registered owner of a detached home, semi-detached home, duplex or townhouse within the City of Mississauga
  • Have experienced flood damage to your residence as a result of an intense rainfall event on or after July 8, 2013. Flood damage to an accessory building or storage unit that is separate from a residential dwelling unit is not eligible.
  • Have no outstanding taxes, fees or charges owed to the City of Mississauga, or any municipal by-law violations at the property

Only one owner per address can receive the rebate.

There are many ways to improve flood resilience in and around your home, such as:

Interior upgrades

  • Water-resilient floor and wall construction
  • Raised utility hardware (such as electrical outlets)
  • Moisture alarms

Exterior upgrades

  • Property grading next to the house
  • Damp-proofing membrane or coating for the exterior foundation
  • Corrugated steel window well and cover

How to apply

Submit the following documents along with your completed application:

  • A copy of your City tax bill with the applicant’s name listed as a registered owner
  • Proof of flooding within the residential dwelling, such as:
    • Proof of an insurance claim made for flooding
    • Correspondence with 311 Customer Service, a Councillor’s office or City staff
    • Invoices, receipts or quotes for flood cleanup or repairs
    • Photos of flooding in the residential dwelling, with the files’ metadata date‑stamped
  • Proof of purchase of eligible material or completed work and payment, such as:
    • Copy of original receipts for purchased materials
    • Copy of original invoices for the completed work with:
      • Address where work was performed
      • Contractor name and licence number
      • Cost breakdown
      • Total amount paid in full
  • Photos of installation
  • Authorization letter from the condo board for any work under the board’s jurisdiction, if applicable


You can apply online by following the instructions in our user guide.

Upload your supporting documents, including your tax bill, proof of flooding and invoices. Each file must be 50 MB or smaller and be in one of the following formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF or WebP.

Apply for rebate

By mail

Mail a completed Flood Resilience Rebate Application and supporting documents to the following address:

Flood Resilience Rebate Program
Transportation and Works
Environmental Services Section
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1

What happens next

Complete applications will be processed in the order they’re received. We will contact you by email once your application has been approved or declined, or if it’s incomplete.

Rebates will be paid in the order that complete applications are received, until there is no more funding available or the application period expires, whichever comes first.

It may take 8 to 10 weeks to receive your cheque in the mail from the date that you apply.

Terms and conditions

The City reserves the right to cancel, suspend or change the program at any time.

The City reserves the right to inspect an applicant’s residential dwelling upon reasonable notice to the applicant to verify the information provided in support of the application. Where access for an inspection is denied by the applicant, the City reserves the right to deny the application.

If an application contains any untrue information, the City may deny an application or pursue all available legal rights to recover rebates wrongly paid or fraudulently obtained.

Work is defined as the installation of eligible protection measures and related works by a contractor, where applicable.

Contractor is defined as an individual who is qualified to perform the work and holds a valid City of Mississauga business licence, as applicable, retained by the owner to complete the required work on the property.

Completed work is defined as work which is fully functional and acceptable under industry standards. Work is only complete when the receipt for the full cost of the completed work or building permit sign-off is provided to the City.

The City may hire a consultant to evaluate and administer rebates under the program.

The City does not guarantee or warrant the quality of workmanship or the suitability of any or all of the work to be completed on the property or that the performance of any or all of the parts or products used to complete the work will be free of defects.

The owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and respective representatives against all liability, loss, costs, claims, damages, and expenses, causes of action, actions, claims, demands, lawsuits and other proceedings, by whomever made, sustained, brought or prosecuted, including third-party bodily injury, death, personal injury, and property damage, in any way based upon, occasioned by or attributable to the owner’s participation in this program or as a result of the work performed by the contractor.

The Commissioner of Transportation and Works has the final decision to approve or deny a rebate application. That decision cannot be reviewed or appealed.

Personal information and supporting documentation is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and is subject to disclosure under the terms of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information will be used to determine eligibility requirements for the rebate program.