The City and the Region of Peel work closely to provide different services in Mississauga.
The City delivers essential services such as public transit, animal services, licensing, parking, traffic operations, fire, parks and forestry, and much more.
Region of Peel provides services like waste collection, policing and paramedic services, public health, regional roads, sanitary sewers, water services and regional planning.
Ownership and care of infrastructure around your property is divided between the homeowner, the City, and Region of Peel. The following image shows the roles and responsibilities for the infrastructure around your property:
A storm sewer drains extra rain and ground water from rainproof surfaces such as paved streets, car parks, parking lots, footpaths, sidewalks, and roofs.
A storm sewer connection collects ground water from rainfall, melted snow or excessive lawn watering into underground pipes and carries it into lakes to prevent flooding.
The sidewalk in front of your house is maintained by the City of Mississauga.
The residential road in front of your house is maintained by the City of Mississauga.
Also known as a storm drain inlet or curb inlet, a catch basin is an opening to the storm drain system that includes a grate or curb inlet at street level. Storm water enters the catch basin and a sump captures sediment, debris and other pollutants.
A hydrant is a discharge connection to a water main, usually consisting of an upright pipe having one or more nozzles and controlled by a gate valve. Hydrants must be accessible at all times.
The watermain carries water to a house from a water treatment plant or a community well.
The water service connection connects the home to the watermain that carries water into the property.
This valve controls the flow of water into the home and is used for emergency water shut-off if a pipe breaks. The valve and it must be accessible at all times.
A maintenance hole is a vertical access shaft from the ground surface to a sewer or underground utilities, usually at a junction, to allow cleaning, inspection, connections, and repairs.
A sanitary sewer collects wastewater, such as the flows from toilets, sinks, showers and laundry and directs it to a wastewater treatment facility for treatment prior to being discharged into the lake.
This pipe carries wastewater from the house to a wastewater treatment plant.
The water meter monitors and measures the amount of water that comes into a house through a water service line. The Region of Peel installs, owns and maintains the water meter. Property owners are responsible for the pipes that lead into the water meter.
The property line is a boundary line that defines the points where your land ends and the neighboring lands begin (as per the Zoning By-law).
Also known as a weeper or weeping tile, the foundation drain a perforated pipe installed at the base of a foundation in order to drain away excess groundwater. This prevents groundwater from building up against a foundation and protecting it from leaking or shifting.
As a homeowner, you’re responsible for the maintenance of pipes that fall on the private side of the property line.
Utility providers such as cable, hydro, and phone install utility boxes on the street for maintenance and repair of services within your area. For assistance on a utility box, contact the provider who has installed or owns the box.
To report issues to the City of Mississauga, call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits), to report issues to the Region of Peel, call 905-791-7800.