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Development application OPA 24-11 W1

Status: Under review
Address: All the lands south of Lakeshore Road East, east of East Avenue, west of Jim Tovey Boulevard and north of the Lakeview Village lands
Owner: Rangeview Landowners Group Inc.

Proposed development

Application includes a change to the Official Plan to:

  • Increase to the number of dwelling units within Rangeview Estates
  • Change the distribution of units by built form
  • Modify the parks and open space network
  • Include new policies to implement the Rangeview Estates Development Master Plan

Map of application area and artist rendering of the proposed development


Project documents

Contact us

City Planner

For more information on this application, email City Planner David Breveglieri at

Ward Councillor

Ward 1 Councillor Stephen Dasko