Increasing housing supply

We are working on ways to get more housing built. Our housing target, set by the Province, is 120,000 new units by 2034. In order to meet this target, we need support from all levels of government through funding and policy.

Action plan for new housing

Our housing action plan, Growing Mississauga: An Action Plan for New Housing, outlines five goals with 23 actions. Some of the actions in the plan include:
  • Encouraging more transit-friendly development
  • Creating opportunities for new residential housing in employment areas
  • Allowing more housing types like fourplexes and garden suites

Building additional residential units

Detached, semi-detached or town home properties can have up to two additional residential units or a fourplex on the property. It’s a way to increase supply with minimal impact on the existing community, known as gentle density. Additional units are flexible and can support families of all sizes.

How and where these units are placed on established properties is reviewed and approved by the City. If they require a change to the Official Plan or Zoning By-law, the public is notified and consulted.

Housing Accelerator Fund

We have an agreement with the federal government under the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) to build more homes and improve affordability. HAF funding is tied to initiatives in our action plan and the number of net-new building permits issued because of those initiatives over a three-year period.

Plans for affordable housing

The Region of Peel is responsible for delivering housing to our most vulnerable residents, including low-income and subsidized housing, shelters and homeless support. Find information about Region of Peel’s Housing and social support.
The City’s focus is creating programs that improve affordability for those in the middle.

Affordable housing strategies

When we launched Making Room for the Middle: An Affordable Housing Strategy for Mississauga in 2017, it was the first of its kind across Canada. Today, almost 90 percent of the actions are complete or underway.

To build on this, we made affordability the second goal of our latest housing plan, Growing Mississauga. Some actions included in the goal are:

  • Create policies to add more affordable rental units in major transit station areas
  • Work with the Province to protect and expand rental housing

Affordable rental plan

Our Affordable Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan offers incentives to homeowners and developers that build affordable rental housing in Mississauga. The incentives apply to multi-unit buildings and gentle density rental units such as basement apartments, garden suites, triplexes and fourplexes in lower density areas. The plan aims to create over 300 new affordable rental units over three years.

Affordable housing in new developments

We require a portion of units in new developments located in major transit areas to be provided at affordable rates. This is called Inclusionary Zoning and applies to larger projects with more than 50 ownership units.

Peel subsidy programs

The Region of Peel offers the following subsidy programs: