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Planning policy basics

We must follow a series of rules and guidelines from different policies while setting a planning vision, directing growth and reviewing new development proposals.

Policy framework

Many policies and legislation from all levels of government play a role in how the City plans. From the Planning Act to the Mississauga Official Plan and Zoning By-law, each policy informs the next.

The Provincial Planning Act informs the Provincial Planning Statement which informs the Mississauga Official Plan and Zoning By-law


The Planning Act

The Planning Act is the Provincial law that establishes the framework around how planning in Ontario should happen. It requires municipalities to develop Official Plans and provides for tools like zoning by-laws.

The Planning Act:

  • Establishes the approval process for land development
  • Outlines requirements for public consultation
  • Provides parties the ability to appeal planning decisions through the Ontario Land Tribunal (residents no longer have the ability to appeal)

Provincial Planning Statement

The Provincial Policy Statement sets the policy foundation for regulating the use of land and development in Ontario.

It provides municipalities with direction on:

  • Supporting development and building housing
  • Aligning development with infrastructure
  • Using and managing resources
  • Protecting public health and safety

Mississauga Official Plan

The Mississauga Official Plan (MOP) implements the Provincial Planning Statement at the local level. Its policies address how and where we’ll grow and affects everyone who lives and works in Mississauga. It looks at transportation, housing, culture and heritage, the environment and the economy. It’s prepared with input from the community and helps to ensure future planning and development meets the needs of the community.

The MOP is updated through amendments from development applications and city-led initiatives. It gets a formal review and update every ten years.

Zoning By-law

The Zoning By-law is the main tool for implementing the objectives and policies of the City’s Official Plan. It regulates exactly what land can be used for.

It also outlines what can be built in different areas or zones around the city, including:

  • How big and tall a building can be
  • How much parking is needed
  • Landscaping and amenity requirements
  • What the lot or property can be used for