Tax documents and fees

Certain property tax documents are available for purchase through the City of Mississauga. View the fees for different types of property tax documents, including your tax receipt, simplified tax year receipt, tax certificate and more.

How to order online

You need to create an account and log in to the online system to make purchases, view your order history and access your digital downloads (tax documents you’ve already purchased).

Tax documents ordered before 4:30 p.m. will be available in your account under the digital downloads tab on the next business day after 9 a.m.

If you have any questions, please send an email to For immediate support, call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits).

Types of tax documents available online

You can order property tax documents for the current year and for the past six years only. Older records aren’t available because the City follows a retention by-law that limits how long they’re kept.

A tax receipt costs $25 and provides confirmation of the payments received on an account. To purchase a tax receipt online, you will need the tax PIN associated with the property.

At no cost, you can request a simplified tax year receipt online. This document only provides confirmation of the payments made towards the current or one prior year’s taxes.

Typically, a copy of a tax receipt is requested by the Canada Revenue Agency as proof of payment for property tax payments claimed.

Get simplified tax year receipt

Get tax receipt

To verify this is the correct document that you need, view a sample tax receipt:

The current owner of a property can request a statement of taxes. A statement of taxes reflects the current balance of an account. It costs $25 and is typically purchased as proof of taxes paid to date for refinancing purposes and for when you sell your property.

Get statement of taxes

To verify this is the correct document that you need, view a sample statement of taxes:

As a property owner, you can purchase a duplicate tax bill for $25 if you want a copy for your records.

Get duplicate tax bill

To verify this is the correct document that you need, view a sample tax bill:

A local improvement certificate costs $25 and provides details about the local improvement charges on the property, such as the type of charge, how much you have to pay each year and how many years remain for each applicable charge.

Local improvements are owner-initiated requests for municipal services administered pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001. These improvements include, noise attenuation walls, water main projects and sanitary sewer projects.

Get local improvement certificate

To verify this is the correct document that you need, view a sample local improvement certificate:


You can see the current tax status of a specified property by ordering a tax certificate online. Tax certificates cost $55 and refunds are not available.

Tax certificates are usually purchased by law firms, banks and mortgage companies during property sales and for refinancing purposes.

Get tax certificate

To verify that this is the type of document you need, view a sample tax certificate:

Previously purchased documents

All of your purchased tax receipts and certificates can be found in your online account under the digital downloads tab. You need to log in or create an account to access these documents.

Review purchased documents

Summary of fees and charges

The fees in the following table are taken from the General Fees and Charges By-law. Use this fee schedule to better understand when certain charges may be added to your Property Tax Account. Some fees are eligible for HST.

Fees schedule Fee
Tax receipt $25 per year
Local improvement details $25 per tax account
Returned payment fee $45.20 per payment (includes HST)
Photocopy of processed cheque $11.30 per cheque (includes HST)
Tax certificate: online $55 per certificate
Tax certificate: mail or expedited $80 per certificate
Tax levy and payments information (prior years) $50 per year
Duplicate tax bill $25 per bill
Statement of taxes $25 per statement
Tax adjustment application, except 357(1)(d.1) $30 per application, per year
Mortgage company administration fee $12.43 per account/interim and final bill (includes HST)
Ownership change fee $40 per change
Cheque retrieval fee (any request to retrieve, return, replace or move a post-dated cheque must be made a minimum of 3 business days prior to the cheque date) $22.60 per cheque (includes HST)
Addition to tax roll $50 per item
Reminder notice $9 per notice
New account administration fee $60
Search (title or corporate) $125 per search
Tax sale registration $1,100
Tax sale final notice $1,900
Tax sale of property $7,800 plus incurred advertising costs
Tax sale extension agreement $1,100
Notice of interested parties fee $30 per notice
Bailiff assignment fee $50 per year assigned
Payment redistribution fee $45.20 per request (includes HST)
Defaulted POA fines – administration fee $30 per fine
Final notice fee $20 per notice
Notice of impending registration $50 per notice
Online simplified tax receipt $0
Refund request fee $33.90 per request (includes HST)
Tax sale tender package fee $33.90 per quote (includes HST)