Facility user insurance

You need to have liability insurance when you rent a City facility for:

  • Outdoor festivals and events
  • Indoor and outdoor sports
  • Participating in City-operated events as a vendor or exhibitor
  • Social events with or without alcohol

City Facility User Insurance Program

You can purchase insurance when you book your rental facility through the City’s insurance broker, Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc.

Some high-risk activities may not be insured under this policy.

Additional coverage may be required for selling or serving liquor, unpackaged food, and for special events such as festivals, camps and schools. For these types of events and activities, you can submit a Special Events Quote.

If you purchased user insurance when you booked your facility rental, you can download a certificate of insurance below. You will also need to provide a copy of your rental agreement invoice as proof of insurance purchase.

Use your own insurance

You can use an existing insurance policy if your broker files a Certificate of Insurance Form. The form must name the City of Mississauga as an additional insured.

Not all insurance companies will issue a certificate naming the City of Mississauga as an additional insured. If yours does not provide this, then you must buy additional coverage from the City.

Report a claim

If you have an incident, the event organizer must report it to the City.

The event organizer should also collect any witness statements and record their names and contact information to help the insurance company investigate the claim.


If you need more information about user insurance, contact the City of Mississauga’s insurance brokers at Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc.:

Jeff McIntosh

Kyle David