Attend remote court proceedings

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If you’ve received a provincial offence fine, you have the option to attend your trial, early resolution or summons date online.

When attending a court appearance virtually, you must connect by video. If you can’t be on camera, attend in person at the address and courtroom on your notice of trial, early resolution or summons.

Participating in remote court

When you’re attending virtual court proceedings, you must conduct yourself as if you are physically in the courtroom. The same expectations and requirements for conduct and respectful behaviour apply.

Before you attend court remotely, review the code of conduct. Also read the Ontario Court of Justice’s guide for defendants to make sure you’re prepared for your trial.

If you are representing yourself in court, refer to the Ontario Court of Justice’s guide for self-represented parties.

Download and install Zoom onto your device, or join a Zoom meeting through your web browser. If you’re using an Apple device, follow these instructions on how to install Zoom on Mac.

  • Dress appropriately for court.
  • Choose a well-lit location. Avoid the use of filters or backgrounds. This helps confirm your identity during the proceedings.
  • Join the proceedings from a quiet and private space. Make sure any background distractions from your surroundings can’t be seen or heard.
  • Use a fully charged device or plug it in to an external power source.
  • Make sure you’re connected to the internet or a Wi-Fi hot spot. If you lose connectivity, try to rejoin immediately. If you’re unable to rejoin, call 905‑615‑4500.
  • Log in to the virtual courtroom 15 minutes early.
  • Log in using your legal first and last name.
  • If possible, use a headset with a microphone to make sure you can be heard clearly.
  • Make sure your camera is on. You must participate by video. Your court matter cannot be completed by audio only.
  • For help turning on your video or microphone, review the participant controls in Zoom meetings.
  • Mobile phones must be muted.
  • Keep all other applications on your device closed so that you’re not distracted during the proceedings.
  • Don’t eat, drink, chew gum or smoke. You may only have water during court proceedings.
  • Stay on mute and don’t disrupt court proceedings, or you may be removed from the call. Speak only if you are called. Don’t have conversations while court is in session.
  • You may need to wait before your matter is addressed. There may be other matters scheduled for the same time.
  • State your name for the record before speaking in court.
  • If you have technical difficulties during the proceedings, use the “virtual hand” on Zoom (press *9 if joining by telephone).
  • It’s an offence to record, photograph, screenshot or live stream court matters without pre‑authorization.

Find an online courtroom

Find your courtroom link based on your trial or early resolution date and details. Enter the meeting ID and your legal first and last name. Then select “join.” You don’t have to sign into Zoom to join a meeting.

Once you join the meeting, you’ll be placed in a waiting room. You must turn your camera on when the host admits you into the virtual courtroom.

Zoom meeting links

Courtroom M1

Courtroom M2

Courtroom M3

Courtroom M4

Courtroom M5

Courtroom MER

Contact us

For questions about provincial offence tickets, call the Ontario Court of Justice Provincial Offences Office at 905‑615‑4500.