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Cycling and e-scooter safety

If you choose to cycle or use an e-scooter, it’s important to know how to move safely and conveniently around the City. Learn rules and etiquette to safely ride your bike or e-scooter. 

Do a safety check

Check if your bike is in working condition before you ride, and make sure you have everything you need to ride safely.

Always perform a safety check on your bicycle before you ride. Use this quick and easy “A, B, C” guide to help you remember which parts of the bicycle to check.


  • Tires should have enough air.
  • Wheels should spin easily and freely.

Brakes and bars

  • Brakes (both front and back) should be working.
  • Handlebars should be stable.

Chain and crank

  • The chain should be on, tight and properly lubricated.
  • The pedals should spin freely.
  • Crank arm should not be wobbly.

We offer free bike safety and repair webinars, program and workshops through the Mississauga Library.

Wearing a helmet is a legal requirement for people under the age of 18 in Ontario. However, it’s strongly recommended for all cyclists.

Bicycles are legally required to be equipped with a bell or horn, lights and reflectors, as well as reflective tape.

Learn cycling rules and etiquette

Be safe, seen and courteous when you’re on multi-use trails, shared pathways and crossrides.

When riding on roads, cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities to obey all traffic laws as other road users (like cars and trucks) under Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act (HTA) and can be fined for committing HTA offences.

Follow these rules and etiquette to protect yourself and keep others safe.

  • Wear a helmet. It’s a legal requirement for those under the age of 18 in Ontario.
  • Obey all signage.
  • Make sure your bike has a working light and reflectors, especially if riding at night.
  • Keep to the right of the path. Pass others on their left.
  • Slow down and be cautious around pedestrians.
  • Use your bell or give a friendly verbal warning before passing people.
  • Don’t block the path. If stopping for a break, pull over to the side or off the trail completely.
  • Wear a helmet. It’s a legal requirement for those under the age of 18 in Ontario.
  • Obey all regulatory and bicycle-specific signs.
  • Obey all traffic controls (traffic signals and stop signs).
  • Be visible to drivers, especially at night or in bad weather. Ensure your bike has a working light and reflectors.
  • Right as close to the right side of the road as it is safe to do so. If you’re riding with a group, ride in a single file.
  • Ride with the flow of traffic and cycle at a safe speed.
  • Behave in a predictable way. Do not weave in and out of traffic.
  • Give yourself plenty of room. Remember that you have the right to take up a lane if necessary, and by law, drivers must maintain a minimum distance of one metre when passing a cyclist.
  • Use hand signals to show your intent to stop, turn or change lanes.
  • Stop for pedestrians.
  • Watch for parked or turning vehicles. Don’t try to pass a turning vehicle because the driver has the right of way and may not see you.

A crossride is a clearly marked space at an intersection where cyclists do not have to dismount and can legally ride through the intersection on their bicycle.

Located where multi-use trails or cycle tracks cross a road, crossrides are identified with a line of painted squares on both sides of the crossing, and may also include painted bicycle marks. A crossride may be located next to a pedestrian crosswalk or on its own.

Pay attention to the signs at or near a crossride that explain how cyclists, pedestrians and drivers should approach the intersection.

Crossride rules for cyclists

  • If the intersection has bicycle signals, look for a cyclist pushbutton. If there is a button, push it and wait until the bicycle signal is green.
  • Ride cautiously across the intersection within the crossride. Watch for turning vehicles to be sure they see you and are yielding.
  • Travel at a speed that allows you to stop quickly if a vehicle turns across your path.
  • Don’t pass other cyclists within the crossride. If pedestrians are crossing, ring your bell to let them know you are approaching and pass carefully.
  • By law, cyclists must yield to pedestrians on multi-use trails.

Crossride rules for pedestrians

  • If there is a pedestrian pushbutton, push it. Wait for the “Walk” signal.
  • Cross within the pedestrian crosswalk, not the crossride.
  • Watch for turning vehicles to be sure drivers see you and are yielding.
  • Look around as you cross. Do not use electronic devices while crossing.

Crossride rules for drivers

  • When making a turn, look for cyclists and pedestrians who are approaching or crossing the intersection.
  • Signal your turn early, giving other road users time to react.
  • Check your blind spot before turning.
  • Drivers must yield to cyclists in the crossride.

A bike head start signal, also referred to as a Leading Bike Interval (LBI), provides a “ride” indication before the release of vehicular traffic in the same direction of travel. In Mississauga, the bike head start signal appears five seconds before the green traffic light for vehicles.

This enhances safety at intersections by increasing visibility of cyclists in the intersection and reinforcing their right-of-way over turning vehicles. It is used to encourage motorists to yield to cyclists already in the crossride and is particularly helpful for cyclists who may take longer to enter the crossride at the start of the ride interval.

Similar to any other intersection, cyclists are expected to enter the intersection only when the ride signal is showing. Once the yellow signal is activated, you must not begin crossing the road.

As part of our commitment to Vision Zero, in 2023 staff will begin updating bike signals at intersections where accessible signals are in place to include a bike head start signal.

Learn e-scooter rules and etiquette

An e-scooter is a two-wheeled device that the rider operates while standing. They are battery-operated and equipped with a hand brake, lights, bell and kickstand.

As the use of this mode of transportation has become more common, the City implemented an e-scooter pilot and updated its Parks By-lawTraffic By-law and Transit By-law to regulate where e-scooters can be operated in Mississauga.

During this pilot period, learn and follow the City’s rules and etiquette for e-scooter riders, including where you can operate these devices and how to travel on MiWay transit with your e-scooter.