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Completed in 2018 City project

Dundas Connects

The Dundas Connects Master Plan guides future urban growth and intensification along the Dundas Street Corridor. It was endorsed by City Council on June 18, 2018.

Follow along with the implementation process.

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The Dundas Street Corridor is a key part of our transportation network, with thousands of people using it every day to move around the city.

Over the next 35 to 40 years, the number of people living, working and travelling along Dundas Street will greatly increase. To plan for this growth, the City developed the Dundas Connects Master Plan.

The Master Plan fulfilled the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process, and was endorsed by City Council on June 18, 2018.

Read the Dundas Connects Master Plan

Public consultation on the Master Plan ran from 2016 to 2018. 

ublic consultation on the Master Plan ran from 2016 to 2018. (External link)


The Dundas Connects Master Plan establishes a vision for the future of Dundas Street, supporting major improvements to transportation, land use and the public realm along the 19.5 kilometre corridor. Recommendations in the Master Plan include:

  • Implementing Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along Dundas Street
  • Encouraging mixed-use development that supports transit
  • Creating more open spaces and community facilities
  • Maintaining existing and supporting new affordable housing
  • Maintaining four traffic lanes along Dundas Street
  • Providing safe cycling infrastructure along the length of the Dundas Street Corridor
  • Enhancing pedestrian space and providing street trees
  • Encouraging street-related retail while supporting existing businesses


The Dundas Connects Master Plan is being implemented through the following projects:

With the new Hurontario Light Rail Transit(External link) line on the horizon, Hurontario Street is expected to grow and change. To manage this change, the City is updating the Official Plan(External link) to encourage vibrant, walkable, transit-supportive development in the Downtown Fairview, Cooksville, and Hospital communities.

Learn more about the Downtown Fairview, Cooksville and Hospital project

The City is working closely with the Region of Peel to identify Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) boundaries and policies. The Region’s work will define the density, heights, and land uses for each MTSA, and will provide direction for future development within the Dundas Street Corridor.

Learn more about the MTSA project

The City passed an Official Plan Amendment (MOPA 106) to protect Dundas Street’s road width as future redevelopment occurs.

Learn more about the Right-of-Way-Width project

The City is reviewing flood plain areas along Dundas Street and making recommendations about the flood risks to existing and future residents, property, and infrastructure.

Learn more about the Special Policy Area Review project

Metrolinx and the City of Mississauga are working together to develop the preliminary design and complete the Transit Project Assessment Process for the Dundas Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project. The Dundas BRT is part of a bold, forward-looking transportation plan aimed at creating stronger connections and providing fast, frequent and reliable transit to those in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Region.

Learn more about the TPAP project



For more information about the Master Plan, please contact Bashar al-Hussaini, Bashar.Al-Hussaini@mississauga.ca(External link).

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